Is culture just for women in India?

 In India, women are reared as cows. They are considered a liability and not allowed to express themselves. They have no voice. Though, they are educated nowadays, they still are not empowered. Education is given to a significant number of women in India, but they continue to hold a secondary position in society. 

This unjust and step-motherly attitude towards women in India is due to their deep-rooted patriarchal mindset and culture. These continue to reign in society and are far away from the legal system. 

Read here: JD Vance and his wrong mindset!

Education of women does not empower them. They continue to obey what wrong and sacrifice the society wants them to do. I have a family friend who proudly came and told me that his niece who is a nurse in a private hospital in uttarakhand has got her marriage fixed. He added that the boy's side said that they do not want a working bride. And this family friend said:

"We give you the girl and you can do what you like with her!" 

What a shame! It seems like education given to the niece was only to attract a affluent son-in-law.  The girl in question continues to have no say in society. Sad and pathetic!

Most of the working women earn money but the decision to where and how to use it rests with the family. There are laws that state that daughter has an equal share in father's inheritance. How many girls in India get this share??? The answer is 'very few'. 

And mind you, she also gets no share from her husband's side. The in-laws never give it to her. And neither does the legal system guarantee it to her. As per law, she will only get the property after her husband's death and that too, that property would be divided equally between her and her children!!! What a shame!!!

A daughter has no voice and is taught to say nothing on her in-laws side. Remain mute and get exploited. The fact that during a wedding, boy's side is happy and dancing and girl's side is crying and unhappy, it should prove the point that the system is wrong. During an alliance, both sides should be truly happy. But this is not the case. 

A married woman loses her identity by surname change and even sometimes name change! Why should she do that???

She continues to sacrifice for her second family and kids and in-laws! Why should she? That is the expectation of society from her. If she does not, she is bad. If her husband is bad, society will say that it is the woman's fault! What a shame!

Society exploits a woman and expects her to say nothing about it. She is given a secondary position even if she is good. But a man continues to rule even if he fails to do his duty towards his family. Sad!

You will say, no, things have changed. But I say, things have not changed significantly. Changes have to take place in society and the legal system on a war footing! Laws need to be enforced well. Violators of law need to be punished. 

Women have their strengths and weaknesses just like men. They are human beings. Give them their rights in the true sense of the word! Gender parity should be a reality and not a distant dream!!!
