Myths: Bad night dreams and nocturnal dog howling are not signs of bad omen!

Often, our relatives and parents teach us about some myths and superstitions. They are engraved into our minds at a very young age. As we grow up, we find it difficult to forget them even when we know that they are not true. The same can be said about bad night dreams and nocturnal dog howling. 

Bad night dreams 

Often, when we have a bad dream at night, we think that what we saw in our dream will come true in real life. This is not necessarily so. 

We dream at night those things that has happened to us in the day. These things might have been consciously thought of or we might have thought of them only subconsciously. 

These come as dreams at night. Often, you would have seen that these dreams are a hotch-potch of what we endured in the day. You would have realised that often these dreams have no meanings to them. 

Dreams also occur when we fear something. Hence, when you dream something bad, try to think positive and get strong. Dreams imply that we are overwhelmed with the circumstances and are weak against it. We need to get stronger. 

Nocturnal dog howling 

When dogs howl at night, old people say that it is a sign of bad omen. Many also say that it implies impending death or something bad will happen. People add that dogs see ghosts and hence howl. All these claims are without proof. 

I have street dogs and I have seen that they howl when they or their near ones are in pain. My dog. Poppy howled when his puppy was hurt and when his wife, Puchi was ill. Hence, dog howling does not mean anything sinister. It means the dogs are in pain. Instead of thinking of something worse, try to find out and solve the problem that is hailing the dog or his family. 

There could be other reasons as well for the howling but they are definitely not due to ghost seeing or prediction of death. 

Stop being superstitious. Back science and do not listen to non scientific people with no evidence. They have their ulterior motives behind telling you lies. 
