Tips and secrets for a successful relationship! How to make marriages work?

Guide to a long-lasting and successful relationship!

Relationships need time and efforts to make them successful. But many times, they collapse in between at various stages and are unable to repair. What is the reason for such unsuccessful relationships? How to make them successful? Here are some tips and words of wisdom for the couples of all ages and duration!!!

Relationship and success [Source: Wakecounseling]
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1.       The right reason for togetherness-Couples should be together for the right reasons for them to be happy in life later on. There should be no pressure from anyone to enter into wedlock. Religion should not be the deciding factor for it. Neither should one marry because of boredom, loneliness, or any sort of misery. The reason to be with that particular person or partner should be that you like being with him or her. It is a simple but great reason that would go in making the married life a huge success.

2.       Mutual admiration and respect is a must for the success of any relationship. Never expect that your partner would fix your emotional or other problem. That would be selfishness and such relationships do not last long.

3.       Love between the two partners may be healthy or unhealthy, helpful or harmful, good or suffocating. Love should be of the healthy, helpful, and good type for the relationship to last. But even if good love, that alone cannot sustain a relationship. It needs more than love to make marriages work.

4.       Do not expect the same amount of love at all times. It will wax and wane and evolve over time. It will change with the arrival of child/ren. Hence, have realistic expectations in a relationship. Keep your head above your shoulders and do not hang your heart always in the sleeve. Romantic love draws two people crazy but lasts only for a few years. Embrace the change. After that, true love has to replace the romantic love. The latter will crop up in between on some occasions. The former may look unglamorous but is good for a relationship. But it is meaningful and satisfying. It is deep and unconditional.

5.       Mutual understanding is also important. Communication helps but is not mandatory. Sometimes, couples understand each other without much communication between them whereas there are some relationships that are dependent on a proper and detailed communication to work. In them open and frequent communication keeps their relationship going.

6.       There should be mutual trust for each other. Suspicion breaks a relationship. Never talk ill of each other. There should be no secrets in a relationship.

7.       Avoid any insecure, inferior or anger feelings when your partner talks with someone else. There should be no jealousy or distrust on this matter. If you suspect infidelity, confront directly rather than recruiting detectives to find out about it. Try to overcome your insecurities. But if you are unable to, it is better to talk with your partner about it.

8.       Promises should be valued and kept and not broken. One does not need to compromise in the relationship. It only increases resentment and breaks a relationship.

9.       Give each other space in a relationship.

10.   Discuss and do not blame shift, criticize, or stonewall. Do not try to defend your wrongs. Accept it and apologize.

11.   Be good in ignoring and forgiving some small mistakes and differences.

12.   Stay connected in life’s ups and downs and be together during the bad times.

13.   Do not ignore small, small happiness of life which will sum up to make your day and years.
