Music does wonders and heals the heart and soul naturally. It has been called the life, soul, and heartbeat of an individual. And besides one’s vocals and singing, there are a string of musical instruments in the world that add to the richness of music. Most cultures in the world have a particular instrument that is used often by its people to make music. Some of these are recognized by its governments as national musical instruments whereas others are assumed to be so. So let is take stock of the various regional musical instruments around the globe. 

Musical instruments recognized as national instruments

Governments rarely officially name some musical instrument as its national musical instrument. But there are some nations that have done so. Paraguay has recognized its harp as its national musical instrument and similarly the Japanese have named their Koto as their national one. Trinidad has the Trinidadian steelpan as their official national musical instrument. 

In some countries such as Puerto Rica, their musical instrument of cuatro is commonly used but in some places such as Wales it is just a symbol. Welsh people have triple harp that is supposedly belonging to that region. On the other hand, in Finland, the Finnish Kantele was invented by intellectuals and nationalists in order to use it for nationalistic idea spread. 

Musical Instruments that could be considered as national instruments

Country                             Musical Instrument

 Afghanistan              Rubab

 Albania                             Ciftelia Gajde Lahuta    

 Arab world                      Oud

 Argentina                      Bandoneon, guitar

Armenia                      Duduk

Asutralia                      Didgeridoo

Austria                              Bock

 Azerbaijan balaban

 Buganda, Bantu kingdom within Uganda endongo

 Balochistan Balochs Suroz

 Bangladesh dotara

 Bashkirs (Turkic) of Bashkortostan and Badzhgard Kurai

 Basotho Lesiba

 Bavaria Zither

 Bhutan dranyen

 Bolivia Charango

 Brazil Guitar, berimbau, pandeiro

 Bulgaria Gaida

 China Guqin, guzheng, pipa, yangqin

 Colombia Cuatro, triple colombiano

 Costa Rica Marimba

 Corsica ` cetera

 Crete lyra

 Croatia Tumburica and lijerica

 Cuba tres

 Czech Republic bock

 Dagara ethic region of Ghana gyil

 Ecuador Rondador

 Egypt, ancient Harp, sistrum

 England Concertina

 Etruria, Italy (present day Tuscany, Lazo, and Umbria Kithara

 Finland Kantele, violin

 Fula of Fulani people of West Africa tambin

 Galicia, NW Spain gaita

 Germany Waldzither, Gemrna lute guitar

 Greece, ancient Aulos, lyre

 Greece, modern bouzouki

 Guatemala Marimba

 Hawaii ukulele

 Hungary cimbalom

 India Veena

 Indonesia Angklung

 Iran tar

 Ireland Irish harp, great Irish warpipes, Uilleann pipes.

 Israel Kinnor

 Italy Mandolin

 Japan koto

 Jewish community shofar

 Kazakhstan dombra

 Kenya nyatiti

 Khoekhoe, indigenous people of SW Africa goura

 Korea gayageum

 Kyrgystan komuz

 Lanna, Northern Thailand Pin pia

 Laos Khene

 Latvia Kokles

 Lebanon darbuka

 Lithuania Birbyne, kankles

 Lobi, of Ghana gyil

 Madagascar valiha

 Mandinka, West Africa balo

 Maroons, Jamaica abeng

 Mexico marimba

 Mongolia Morin khuur

 Montenegro gusle

 Myanmar (old Burma) Saung-guak

 Nepal madal

 Netherlands Fiddle

 Nicaragua marimba

 Norway Hardingfele, langeleik

 Pakistan dafli

 Paraguay harp

 Peru Cajon, charango

 Philippines bandurria

 Polynesia Nose flute

 Portugal Portuguese guitar

 Puerto Rico cuatro

 Rome, ancient tibiae

 Russia Garmon, balalaika, gusli, spoons (wooden)

 Ryukyu islands, Japan sanshin

 Sakha Republic Khomus

 Scotland Highland bagpipe

 Serbia Accordion, frula, gajda, gusle

 Slovekia Fujara

 Sloveia accordion

 South Africa Vuvuzela

 Spain Guitar

 Sweden Drejelire, nyckelharpa

 Swedish Estonia Talharpa

 Switzerland Alphorn

 Trinidad and Tobago Steelpan

 Turkey Saz

 Turkmenistan dutar

 Tuva Republic Igil, khomus, morin khuur

 Ukraine bandura

 USA Appalachian dulcimer, banjo

 Uzbekistan Doira, karnay

 Venezuela Cuatro, harp

 Vietnam Dan bau

 Wales Crwth, harp

 Yugoslavia Gusle

 Zimbabwe mbira
