America's frontline doctors (AFLDS) kick off a nationwide tour for helping covid-19 patients, people, and doctors

 The current coronavirus pandemic was totally mishandled by many countries including the USA and India. It has reconfirmed the fact that health professionals need to have more say at the national level when it comes to health of the people. America's Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) have begun a nationwide RV tour called The Uncensored Truth: Physicians and Patients Standing Up for Science, Freedom and Common Sense. This is to make people aware of their important role in care of themselves and their loved ones.

Mismanagement of coronavirus pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic that started in Wuhan, China in December 2019 spread to the world like a wild fire. No country was spared. Governments imposed lockdowns and movement restrictions on people like a knee jerk reflex. There was no proper precautions explained and no advice from experts was sought. Even when experts in the field tried to warn of the ill-consequences of these unthought of actions, the warning fell on deaf ears. 

AFLDS (Source: CNN)

The net result was untold sufferings and miseries of the general public especially in developing world and marginalized sections of the developed countries. The politicians, public health bureaucrats, and mega companies were deciding what they wanted based on what would help them and media was adding to this mess. Public interest was sidelined and the whole thing became a commercial venture and a money game. People are still suffering and the aftermath of the wrong decisions would affect all for long and severely. 

Read Grim covid situation in India

America's frontline doctors (AFLDS)

This is an association founded by Dr. Simone Gold and its medical director is Dr Shelley Cole. This group of doctors felt that science is politicized and run by a handful of public health bureaucrats, politicians, and multinational company businessmen whose main aim is money and power and not health of people. 

They have worked during the pandemic ceaselessly and voiced the problems of doctors and patients. They have made them aware of their rights and freedom of expression. Their informed consent is to be valued that was totally ignored during this pandemic. The doctors and patients were also silenced by the bureaucrats and victimized and misinformed. 

But AFLDS have been reaching out to the various doctors and patients and giving them unbiased information on Covid and healthcare options. They also had national-level conversations and discussions on treatment, prevention, useful, common sense approaches to dealing with this pandemic without grossly affecting civil liberties. 

What AFLDS says?

Dr. Simone said:

"Big Tech, Big Media, and Big Government love to play doctor, but only your chosen physician should be involved in your private healthcare decisions, and no one should be silencing front-line first responders," 

Dr. Shelley added:

"At every turn, AFLDS has been a consistent and credible voice for transparency, evidence-based science, the ethical practice of medicine, and common sense," 

"The Uncensored Truth tour will help encourage Americans who feel silenced and give them the facts to make informed healthcare decisions for themselves and their families."

Dr. Simone also noted:

"Doctors, nurses, business owners and patients across the country have been intimidated by politicians and public health bureaucrats for wanting alternatives to dangerous lockdowns, unproven Big Pharma vaccines, and restrictions on freedom that are not based on science. We will not be cancelled. This tour will help advance that critical conversation and empower people with information,"

The association is in favor of appropriate use of vaccines for covid but against immunity passports for travel. 

About the tour

AFLDS tour (Source: PR Newswire)

It is an RV tour that kicked off on Monday 10 May 2021. The first halt was Phoenix in Arizona. The other halts and dates are as follows:

Phoenix AZ May 10

Albuquerque NM May 11

Lubbock TX May 12

Dallas TX May 13

Austin TX May 14

San Antonio TX May 15

Houston TX May 16

New Orleans LA May 17

Tallahassee FL May 18

Naples FL May 22

Miami FL May 23

Tampa FL May 23

Orlando FL May 24

Palm Coast FL May 25

Jacksonville FL May 26

Dr. Simone and his team along with attorneys would be meeting doctors and public at every stop. They will discuss critically and deeply on healthcare, the law governing it, and how all Americans can protect themselves as well as their freedom. They will provide information about the disease as well as rights of doctors and patients. Any concerns raised would be solved and steps taken to bring it to the notice of the concerned authorities. 

Anyone who wants to attend these events can do so after registering online at Hope the health professionals of every country are inspired to follow the footsteps of AFLDS. 
