A group of activists protest peacefully against corruption outside RTO, Rishikesh!

Corruption in India is rampant and though the current ruling party came in with a lot of promises to end it, it has miserably failed in doing anything for it. There has been no change in the percentage of corruption, if at all it has only increased over the last 6 years. It is present in every office of the government: be it education, traffic, or legal. Even the high courts of India do not work without bribes. I have a personal experience myself in it. Since I did not grease the palms of the officers posted in the high court of Bombay, my case has not moved an inch since the past two years....

Activists at RTO Rishikesh

A group of activists are fighting against corruption that is rampant in RTOs of India and especially in Rishikesh. These RTOs issue licenses to incapable and unqualified people after taking bribes from them. I myself visited the RTO today to get my driving license renewed. They did not help me or do my work. They said to speak to the ARTO who is expected to be in place in the office at 10 am. But he had not arrived even upto 1 pm. This is the plight of most RTOs of that country, if it is a country???

Jan Jagran Abhiyan 
Read here Virtues and Vices and Society

These activists had their own issues which remained unsolved to date. Hence they decided to do a peaceful protests outside the RTO of Rishikesh. They have launched Jan Jagran Abhiyan (Public Awareness Campaign) for it. 

Threats to the activists

One of the activists had done fast unto death for 11 days. But his condition failed to move the officials of the RTO. Instead, they sent goons to frighten the people so that they would leave this peaceful demonstration. The police also have threatened these peaceful demonstrators instead of helping them. 

Signatures day 1 

The truck drivers who came forward to support these activists were handed challans and made to pay fines unnecessarily. The transport minister Nitin Gadkari has been in office for many years but nothing has changed at these RTOs. The consumers continue to be harassed. I would like to tell this power-crazy minister that only building highways and expressways will not help the citizens. This will help him fill his pockets and house with money but the consumers will continue to be troubled and unhappy. Also, digitalization will not solve the widespread corruption that is plaguing the governmental administration! It needs something more and unique than that. Is the current PM listening???
