Retaliative politics is the work of fickle-headed people, not of mature humans!

The world is now witnessing retaliative politics. Be it India and China or India and Pakistan or the USA and Mexico or the USA and China! This politics of having a knee-jerk reflex for any action that the other country takes fetches no benefits and only harms the nation practising it. The World is One and the world countries are dependent on each other for every aspect of life-be it trade, culture, work, jobs, and the like. Talking ill of others and claiming supremo for one's own country is harmful in the long run and does not speak good of a nation. 

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India and its retaliative politics

The Indian government has been indulging in this retaliative and hate politics since it came to power in 2014. It has made its relations with neighboring states bitter due to these thoughtless acts. These acts of the government are clearly meant to settle some old, forgotten scores with the other countries and with its old national political parties. They are based on no proper reasoning and are acts that a fickle-minded person would do. It does not benefit the other country but also harms its own country in several ways. 

The USA and China premiers [Source: Politico EU]

Ever since the start of summer 2014, relations with Pakistan has turned sour and reached new heights that were never there before. Even relations of India with non-provocative peaceful neighboring nations such as Nepal and Maldives have become bitter. And with China, besides border disputes, there have been banning of Chinese products in Indian markets. This year, even Chinese apps were banned in India! Claims of security reasons were put with no proper proof in that direction. Severe restrictive economic measures against China led to the blocking of customs clearance for its cargo containers in Indian ports. The huge infrastructure projects with Chinese companies were also halted. 

The irrationality of these moves

The problem is that the current government  of India is blinded to the true progress of the nation and its people. Retaliative politics has done it more harm than any good. It has unilaterally cut the bilateral economic and trade pacts with China. It is trying to enhance de-sinicization of the entire industrial chain. China Threat Theories were circulated and the ignorant people there started following whatever the government told them leading to more trouble. 

India and China at loggerheads over trade and the border [Source: The ET] 

By these moves, India is obviously overlooking the importance of China in the regional market. The benefits of trade pacts with them are bilateral and by cutting them off, India is only harming itself more than it is harming China. The benefits are mutual and these cannot be overlooked or sidelined. The attempts to improve the domestic business environment in India has failed and there has been no actual ground level progress there. It needs help to improve its economy and has to rely on its trade partners for it. It cannot do without it. The haphazardly introduced policies with no proper background of economics has harmed the nation more than helped it in any way. The Covid-19 pandemic completed the economic downslide started by the BJP government and taken it to a new low. 

India was thinking that the USA and Europe would enhance its investment in India but its thinking has fallen flat. Nothing came that way and has only added to its economic deterioration.

Indian thinking has to change

One cannot overlook the great strides and advancements of China in infrastructure and logistics. Even great economists of India had forewarned of the dangers of disengaging from Chinese companies and making the trade with that enormous country restrictive. The famous Indian strategist Zorawar Singh had also mentioned that disengagement with the Chinese economy would only harm India and not benefit it.

Retaliative politics [Source: Business Standard]

He had said: 

"Brandishing the economic card cannot be indiscriminate and policymakers must be conscious of the repercussions on domestic livelihoods, India's modernization efforts, and geopolitical goals."

There is still time to change. The one-man show in India has to stop at any cost. The hard-core nationalist and pro-Hindu government needs to stand to reason and not act based on emotions. It has to keep the welfare of its people especially the poor in mind before it makes any knee-jerk and retaliative policies. There are some whispers of some economists advising the government against these self-destructive policies but there has been no remarkable change in that direction yet. 

Source: Global Times

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