Who is an independent woman? She is neither a goddess nor a lower animal but just a human being!


The creator made human beings and two genders namely male and females. It was not specified that one is inferior or the other is superior. But society and cultures created inequalities and biases. They created socioeconomic strata, caste, religion, and gender-based unequal categories. The net result was dissatisfaction and unhappiness.

Independent woman [Source: Your Story]

Women and society and her status

In most of the cultures, women have suffered despite having more emotional IQ and strength compared to men. They were reared only for reproduction and kept as glamorous objects for the gratification of men and for sacrifice. Their existence was not respected. They could not decide anything on their own and had to depend for money on their spouses or sons. If a woman voiced her opinions, men could not stand it. They were happy if she was inferior to them. But the fact that she is either on an equal status or superior to them would upset them. And they would turn revengeful and spiteful towards her. Nothing much has changed over the years. But yes, now there are an increasing percentage of women globally who dictate their own terms. And they do not allow anyone to dominate them. These are the independent women of today.

Independent woman is successful [Source: Lady with a truck's blog]

Who is an independent woman? 

The Urban Dictionary defines an independent woman as one who pays her own bills and buys her own things. She is capable of independent existence. Besides, she does not allow a man to hamper her self-confidence or stability in any way. This is ‘true’ and ‘actual’ woman empowerment. It is immaterial whether she is married, is in a relationship, or is self-partnered and single. The most important element of the life of an independent woman is that her decisions are her own. She is not ruled by anyone other than herself. She lives for her own happiness and does not permit anyone to ruin it. 

 An independent woman has many other unique qualities and characteristics. She is successful and fun-loving. An independent woman is adventure-loving and loves to travel. She is skilful, affectionate, sensitive, compassionate, smart, and intelligent. She is career-oriented with a strong mind. She loves to learn new things in life.

Independent woman and people's reaction [Source: I Heart Intelligence]

She faces life challenges alone and bravely. She usually does not seek help from others and prefers to do things on her own. She preserves her own space in life and fights for it if need be. She is bold and fearless. She has the courage to go against a culture that she finds wrong and anti-women.

An independent woman appears intimidating to others and hence she has few selected friends. She inspires others and sets an example for society. She sets only realistic goals in life and fulfils it.

She is totally aware that love is a part of her life and not her entire life. If unluckily, she falls into an oppressive type of a relationship, she does not stick to it and finds her way out. An independent woman is balanced in her emotions and expressions. She does not over-react to situations. But like any other human being, she also has her own strengths and weaknesses.


The reaction of society towards an independent woman

To be an independent woman in this world is a ‘challenging’ task but nonetheless, it is not an ‘impossible’ task. This is more so due to the poor reaction from the society that she gets for being independent. The reactions are varied. Some people consider her as some sort of a mystery, a mystical person, a myth, or a Goddess. They put her on a pedestal to be worshipped. On the other hand, there are others who are jealous of her achievements and spill hate and despise her. But an independent woman pays no heed to such hate-mongers. She respectfully continues with her life without being affected by trolls. 

Independent woman is here to stay [Source: Facebook]

The modern-day independent woman does not want the status of a goddess or hate from the world people. What she demands is just her due respect…respect as a human being and respect to lead her life the way she wants to. She seeks no pat for living a life like any human being. She wants to be considered a grown-up who is able to make her own life decisions with no interference from outsiders on it.  

An independent woman has already grown-up and doing things what she should be doing. It is time now for people and especially the men to grow up and accept her as an integral part of society. She is neither a goddess nor a creature. She is just another human being. Whether you like it or not, she is here to stay!

